Goodbye 2011! What a wonderfully kind year you have been to The Road.
The memories that you have etched in our minds and bodies will, I am sure, bring on wee glows of warmth to our hearts for many years to come. But your time has been and gone… the wind is changing… Moveover! Stand aside, I say! And make room for what promises to be the Most Mighty of Years… 2012!
A new year for the Mighty Road can only mean one thing… we need a new captain. With the imminent arrival of Gilo Junior, our middle-aged Golden Oldie can no longer carry the mantle of skippering the side. We need a new Captain Fantastic! A new skipper for a New Year… indeed a new era!
Who would like to put themselves forward to lead the King’s Road Cricket and Social Club in 2012?
The captaincy is open to all members from last year and the successful candidates, having been thoroughly ‘scrutinised’ by the committee (all bribes accepted), will have a chance to write a manifesto and put their case forward to the club’s membership. Then we vote.
Therefore, if anyone would like to put themselves forward for the 2012 captain, please let me know by emailing ASAP!
When all the candidates have been identified, we can begin the voting and the the new captain will be announced at the AGM, date to be set by our beloved chairman but sometime in February I should think.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Be good to those around you and yourselves…
And remember… KEEP ATTACKING!
Herr Capitan.